Monday, February 14, 2011

Draft dodgers are us

I am guilty of losing my drafts.

Today has been one of those days when I realize that all of that beautiful work  I had been doing.  All of that blood sweat and tears was not meeting with results for the simplest of reasons.  I forgot to turn it from draft mode into visible to all.  Sigh.  Lots of clarifying to do now.

I personally waffle between two schools of thought--Avoid the draft and embrace the draft

Avoiding the Draft--This perilous act means that I use live pages every time I make an edit.  It's not a terrible thing except when dealing with difficult to modify pages, or overachieving students who are looking at the live before you make your edit and after.  Another pit fall of avoiding drafts and working live is that if you break something in your page, you may have difficulty backtracking.  I've been doing this long enough that I have backups of everything, but my backups are not always backups of the most recent draft-so some repairs can be lost in the shuffle.

Embracing the Draft-  By editing in draft mode I avoid the pitfalls above, but darned if I don't screw up and do what I did this week more often than I'd care to.  In my particular LMS I can have a variety of hidden working drafts at any given time, and depending on what event side tracks my over stimulated brain these drafts can be lost in limbo in perpetuity until I suddenly recall (a day late and a dollar short) what I was intending to go live with .

So which is better a bad plan which I execute cautiously with variable results, 
or a good plan which I variably fail to execute?

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