Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Have we met somewhere?

Ah the internet. I know your status, I know your picture, I know when you are on vacation and I know the things you like. I know this because you tell me, and I feel so close to you as a friend because I do.

My students too, communicate their lives in electronic media so that I feel a closeness with them.

So while checking out at the grocery store today I was asked to fill out one of those customer loyalty cards, you know-name address email can we send you spam?

Since I shop there a lot I did so, when I handed the card back to the checkout guy he starts to input the info, and gets sort of a smile on his face. He flips on the light to call the manager. The manager comes over and he shows her the card, and they both smile at me expectantly.

I waited, confused.

The manager finally starts to giggle, and says "Huh, I thought you'd be shorter."

Turns out a few years back for two years and 4 different courses I had talked to these kids in my online meeting room, grading their work and calling their houses. They were my students, and I would have passed them like strangers had it not been for that customer loyalty card.

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